Friday, October 9, 2009


At a faculty meeting this Tuesday, we reviewed the SPRE (Staff Performance Review and Evaluation) requirement for each teacher.

Each year, teachers are evaluated by the principal. Generally, here's how it works:

1. If you are a probationary teacher (in the first three years of teaching in the District), there are three formal observations of your classroom by the principal.
2. Each tenured teacher has a one formal observation every five years. Therefore, if you are a tenured teacher on the "five year cycle", you will be observed once this year.
3. Every other tenured teacher who is not on the "five year cycle" will not have a formal observation.

All teachers, whether probationary or tenured, are require to complete a professional goal for the year which is reviewed by the principal.

However, the SPRE requirements and observations listed above are the minimums. If the principal feels that a teacher needs more assistance or a teacher asks for more assistance, additional observations can and do occur.

The purpose of observations is to improve instruction, share ideas and grow professionally as a teacher.