Thursday, November 12, 2009


Good Morning,

Last Saturday, several principal-types got together to bake cookies/candies.

It was an attempt to do something fun together and help provide a team bonding experience that we can build on and access when work related issues come up in the future. (Plus, we just wanted to work with dough ;>)

The class was offered through the Sartell Community Education Department and was held at Sartell High School.

Eleven of us participated including Principal Skaja from Lincoln Elementary, Assistant Principals Blauer and Vos from Tech, Principal Moeller from Kennedy, Assistant Principal Blackmore from South, Assistant Principal Sarah Nelson from Oakhill and others.

Each principal or two worked on making and baking a particular cookiecandy. Principal Hugh Skaja's and my speciality was the Nut Goodie.

Of course, much of the discussion while baking turned to the excitement and challenges of being a principal in our school district.

Carbohydrately Yours,
